nngeo - k-Nearest Neighbor Join for Spatial Data
K-nearest neighbor search for projected and non-projected 'sf' spatial layers. Nearest neighbor search uses (1) C code from 'GeographicLib' for lon-lat point layers, (2) function knn() from package 'nabor' for projected point layers, or (3) function st_distance() from package 'sf' for line or polygon layers. The package also includes several other utility functions for spatial analysis.
Last updated 11 months ago
9.70 score 81 stars 6 dependents 600 scripts 1.9k downloadsmapsapi - 'sf'-Compatible Interface to 'Google Maps' APIs
Interface to the 'Google Maps' APIs: (1) routing directions based on the 'Directions' API, returned as 'sf' objects, either as single feature per alternative route, or a single feature per segment per alternative route; (2) travel distance or time matrices based on the 'Distance Matrix' API; (3) geocoded locations based on the 'Geocode' API, returned as 'sf' objects, either points or bounds; (4) map images using the 'Maps Static' API, returned as 'stars' objects.
Last updated 2 years ago
7.09 score 50 stars 99 scripts 514 downloadsstarsExtra - Miscellaneous Functions for Working with 'stars' Rasters
Miscellaneous functions for working with 'stars' objects, mainly single-band rasters. Currently includes functions for: (1) focal filtering, (2) detrending of Digital Elevation Models, (3) calculating flow length, (4) calculating the Convergence Index, (5) calculating topographic aspect and topographic slope.
Last updated 1 years ago
6.53 score 25 stars 2 dependents 45 scripts 482 downloads