1. mapsapi::response_directions_driving
    Sample response from Google Maps Directions API
  2. mapsapi::response_directions_transit
    Sample response from Google Maps Directions API
  3. mapsapi::response_geocode
    Sample response from Google Maps Geocode API
  4. mapsapi::response_map
    Sample response from Maps Static API (as 'stars' raster)
  5. mapsapi::response_matrix
    Sample response from Google Maps Distance Matrix API
  6. nngeo::cities
    Point layer of the three largest cities in Israel
  7. nngeo::line
    Sample network dataset: lines
  8. nngeo::pnt
    Sample network dataset: points
  9. nngeo::towns
    Point layer of towns in Israel
  10. nngeo::water
    Polygonal layer of water bodies in Israel
  11. starsExtra::carmel
    Digital Elevation Model of Mount Carmel
  12. starsExtra::dem
    Small Digital Elevation Model
  13. starsExtra::golan
    Digital Elevation Model of Golan Heights
  14. starsExtra::landsat
    RGB image of Mount Carmel