mapsapi 0.5.5
- Switch to native pipe and remove 'magrittr' dependency
- Add timeout option in all functions (similarly to 'mp_geocode')
- Allow selecting >1 'avoid' options in 'mp_directions'
- Static maps from sources other than Google Maps (?)
mapsapi 0.5.4 (2023-07-21)
- New options in 'mp_map' (by Rodrigo Vega)
mapsapi 0.5.3 (2022-01-13)
- Added 'timeout' option in 'mp_geocode'
- Added 'transit_mode' parameter in 'mp_matrix'
- Added 'language' parameter in 'mp_directions'
mapsapi 0.5.0 (2021-09-06)
- Corrected download method in 'mp_map' to avoid corrupted PNG (on Windows)
mapsapi 0.4.9 (2021-06-13)
- Fixed bug in 'mp_matrix' (by Juan P. Fonseca-Zamora)
- New arguments in 'mp_directions' (by Juan P. Fonseca-Zamora)
mapsapi 0.4.8 (2020-12-17)
- Added 'pkgdown' site
- Fixed 'mp_get_bounds' when bounds results are empty
- Fixed 'mp_get_bounds' when more than one response per address
mapsapi 0.4.7 (2020-09-19)
- 'mp_get_points' and 'mp_get_bounds' now also works given unnamed 'list' of documents
mapsapi 0.4.6 (2020-06-15)
- Added 'traffic_model' parameter in 'mp_directions' and 'mp_matrix'
- Added 'quiet' parameter in 'mp_geocode'
mapsapi 0.4.5 (2020-04-14)
- Added 'mp_map' function
- Replace 'NULL' with 'NA' in parameters
mapsapi 0.4.2 (2019-09-07)
- Added 'postcode' parameter in 'mp_geocode'
mapsapi 0.4.1 (2019-06-14)
- 'mp_get_points' now returns empty POINT when 'doc' contains geocode results ('ZERO_RESULTS')
mapsapi 0.4.0 (2019-04-06)
- Added 'address_type' (geocode accuracy) field for 'mp_get_points'
- Added 'departure_time' and 'arrival_time' fields for 'mp_get_routes' and 'mp_get_segments'
mapsapi 0.3.9 (2019-01-19)
- Support for 'waypoints' parameter in 'mp_directions' and 'ms_get_segments'
- 'mp_get_routes' now returns empty LINESTRING when 'doc' contains no route alternatives ('ZERO_RESULTS')
- Added 'quiet' parameter to 'mp_directions' and 'mp_matrix' to hide API from text key when necessary
mapsapi 0.3.7 (2018-07-23)
- Minor updates in documentation
- Added 'duration_in_traffic' option in 'mp_get_matrix'
- 'mp_matrix' now returns 'NA' when there are zero results
mapsapi 0.3.5 (2018-03-12)
- Added 'bounds' parameter for 'mp_geocode'
- Added argument validation in 'mp_geocode'
- Corrected typo when creating geometry column in 'mp_get_routes' and 'mp_get_segments'
mapsapi 0.3.0 (2018-01-11)
- Added delay in 'mp_geocode' to avoid rate limit
- Fixed index issue in 'mp_geocode'
- Fixed 'mp_get_points' issue with multiple points
mapsapi 0.2.0 (2017-11-02)
- Added 'Geocode' API interface
- Added input checks
- Added arrival & departure time parameters
mapsapi 0.1.0 (2017-09-27)
- Added 'Directions' API interface
- Added 'Distance Matrix' API interface